Saturday, September 26, 2009

On Thursday, we drove to St. Gilgen on the Wolfgangsee. On the way out of Salburg, Margaret found the home for the elderly where she would like to spend her final days!


This is the Rathaus (city hall) in St. Gilgen.


Notice that we are starting to dress alike!



  1. Hi Margaret and Dick,
    Unfortunately we can't see some of the pictures, but the ones we do see are wonderful!
    Thanks to the modern little white 'travel aides' it seems like you are having a good time, and that this will be the first of many of Margaret and Dick's excellent adventures!
    Looks like you have had good weather.... hope it holds for Friday!
    Have a safe trip and keep having fun!
    Kathy and Tom

  2. Hi Margaret and Dick,
    I've made 3 comments and none seem to be showing up ,
    so I'll try this. Keep having fun!

    Kathy and Tom
