Thursday, September 16, 2010

We are in Schleswig, Germany, on a fjord in the far north. This morning the sky was mostly blue, then cloudy. Then black clouds opened to produce a ferocious storm. After ten minutes, the rain stopped. The rest of the day was partly sunny, partly cloudy, partly light showers with an occasional moment of heavy rain.

Within the town of Schleswig, there is a small fishing village with a small cemetery and a chapel in the center.

The streets of the fishing village are cobblestone and many of the homes date back several centuries.

Virtually all the homes display flowers to make the streets especially colorful.

A highlight of the castle museum is a huge Viking ship dating back to the third century.

Margaret particularly enjoyed window shopping.


  1. Hi Margaret and Dick,
    So glad to see you made it.
    The pictures of this city are wonderful.
    It looks like a postcard of a Disney street.
    We are stuck up in St. Cloud again wishing we were ANYWHERE else.
    We are going to put Schleswig on our want to see list now
    Safe travels......
    Kathy and Tom

  2. Tucker is very interested in why the mannaquins have their pants down. And I'd like to know what their signs say.
