Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Final Day in Venice

Today we arrived at the side entrance of St. Mark's shortly before Mass and gained admittance with no line and no cost. After a short Mass, we walked around the church for as long as we wanted and even into the sanctuary. Nothing like the reports of ten minute tours!

Later in the day, we took a ride on a gondola and did some shopping.

Tomorrow we will travel by train to Verona, pick up a car at the airport and move on to a quieter part of the trip.

No idea whether the next places where we are staying provide Internet access or whether they charge exorbitant fees. So we will just have to wait and see.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Margaret it sounds like you are having a fabulous trip I'm so happy for you and Dick.
    Can't wait to hear more details and see photos when you return.
