Saturday, October 3, 2009

Trip to Tata, Hungary

Carla, daughter of friends Kathy and Tom, has been teaching in Tata, Hungary for the past year. She invited us to visit and was kind enough to meet us in Vienna. Finding our way to Tata would have been difficult without her help. We spent a wonderful day -- visited her apartment and met Boo, her cat. Then we walked through the town and to the lake where we had a nice lunch at a very good Hungarian restaurant. We continued around the lake to the castle and her school, encountering a number of her students along the way. After a little shopping, we returned to her apartment and to the train as our day in Hungary ended all too soon.

The hotel where we are staying in Vienna is just around the corner from the opera house. On Friday and Saturday nights the opera is displayed live (with German subtitles) on a huge outdoor screen. As we write this, we can hear the opera in the background.

We attended Mass at St. Stephen's Cathedral this evening. Celebrated by a young bishop and many priests, lots of incense, beautiful music. Choir with instrumental accompaniment.

Tomorrow we leave very early for Venice - eight hour train ride. Hope to get some pictures posted soon.

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