Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Back to Slovenia

On Sunday we drove in pouring rain from Rovinj, Croatia to Skofja Loka, Slovenia.

Our hotel was the building with the banner.

The town's castle.

Yesterday we continued north to the Logarska Dolina area in northern Slovenia. We have seen many roadside shrines. This one, built right into a rock, was the most unique.

Many farms raise yaks. They are related to both cattle and bison.

We traveled a narrow, twisting road through the mountains. Margaret wasn't at all sure that we would not need to turn back.

The view from our balcony.

This morning we visited the Logarska Dolina park.

We hiked up to visit Rastovski Slap (waterfall). This seems to be the end of the rainbow - notice the leprechaun on my shoulder.

This is the view in the opposite direction from the waterfall.

We also drove a scenic road high in the mountains.

At the top of the scenic drive is the Church of the Holy Spirit.

A typical Slovenian May Day pole.

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