Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Slovenia - Continued

This is the post office in Bled (pronounced "bleed"). Ignore the lady, she just happened to be there. Margaret decided to send a package home and bought a box at the post office. She asked many questions about sending the package and the clerk finally loaned here a roll of packaging tape and a permanent marker so that she could prepare the package and bring it back. Unfortunately, the tape was not of 3M quality. But we were much impressed by the quality of their customer service.

We visited the Postojna Caves, a systems of caves with a total length of 21 kilometers, the largest in Slovenia. It is difficult to capture the immense size of the cave, but if you click on this photo you will be able to see some people far, far below.

We rode a train into the cave, then walked more than a mile, uphill and down before boarding a train for the return trip.

Another shot of the cave. No way to do it justice.

We also visited the Predjama Castle. The original castle, built in the ninth century, was a tiny fortress deep in the cave behind this castle.

Some of the front rooms of the castle are pretty normal rooms but as you move higher and toward the back portion of the castle, you find that the structure continues right back into the caves. Caves in the plural because there are a bunch of interconnected caves at several levels.

Our GPS decided to lead us into a tiny village through smaller and smaller streets until we ended up at a dead end. As we turned around, we spied this well-decorated tractor.

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