Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bled, Slovenia - Part 2

The island in Lake Bled

The young man who was willing to take us to the island without waiting for more passengers.

On the way to the island.

Approaching the island.

The long stairs up onto the island. Tradition requires that the groom must carry his bride up these stairs.

Church of the Assumption, on the island.

Ring the bell three times and your dreams will come true.

A view of the castle as we rode a plenta boat back to the center of Bled.

Visiting the castle.

Hiking through Vintgar Gorge.

Part of the trail through the gorge is suspended above the stream.


  1. Looks like another day in paradise. !
    For some reason we can only see the last 8 pictures, none of the pictures going to the island.
    Such a picturesque city isn't it? Just think of all that you have seen in a little more than a week!
    We are really enjoying the blog.

    Kathy and Tom

  2. You fixed it!
    Beautiful Island....beautiful day!

    Safe travels.....
    Kathy and Tom
