Sunday, May 29, 2011

Near the Rialto Bridge

We were walking along a street just a little ways from the Rialto Bridge when I recognized the street and our surroundings. Then I saw a shop that I knew. I spoke to Margaret: "That is where you bought your prints."

On a previous trip Margaret had entered the shop and told the proprietor that she had a question. The proprietor, assuming that this tourist needed some tourist information, told her to ask her question and he would do his best to answer it. No, she had said, she had a question about his prints. He had then closed the door of his tiny store and turned the sign, saying "that is different." After some discussion, he had showed her the very old book from which he printed copies of a print Margaret liked. She reached out to touch the book but he stopped her, saying "I show, you look. No book, no business."

But now, seeing the store, Margaret also saw that the proprietor was standing in the doorway. In her excitement, she told him "I bought prints from you the last time we were in Venice!" And he replied "Yes, I remember."

So we kept walking, discussing his claim that he remembered a customer from 18 months earlier. Yes, it is possible. But likely? Who can say? But it was nice to see the store and the proprietor again.

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