Monday, October 11, 2010

The Black Forest

The Black Forest is all about scenery.

Our first Sunday in the Black Forest we drove through the beautiful Jostal Valley to the small village of St. Peter for Mass.

The church at St. Peter, a former monastery. The Mass was long: long sermon and a play about St. Francis.

Margaret politely asked for permission to take this picture of women in traditional dress. Only about six elderly women were dressed traditionally.

A walk through the cemetery.

The entrance to Löffingen, the first village where we stayed in the Black Forest.

The village of Löffingen.

Another picture of the Jostal valley.

When we returned from France, the Fall colors were much stronger. This was the view we had after a long climb up a steep mountain. There is a ski lift nearby.

Driving on through the Black Forest.

A man raking hay by hand. Remember that Germany, a country with many very small businesses, is the most prosperous and efficient country in Europe!

Yesterday we visited the Freilichtmuseum (open air museum) near Gutach. This house dates back to 1599.

Another house from the early 1600s.

The village of Schiltach, home of many half-timbered houses.

More of the same village.

Our current B and B.

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