Friday, October 8, 2010

A blog post from our visit to Prague, earlier in our trip.

From Görlitz we took the train to Prague. We arrived in the rain and we left in the rain. We spent three days touring Prague in the rain. But we were prepared so the weather did not dampen our spirits nor spoil our enthusiasm for a beautiful and interesting city.

Everywhere we went people were using their umbrellas.

This is looking over the city from the castle in the rain.

We stayed in this small hotel called House at the Boot. Or "Dum u velke boty" in Czech. We were across the street from the German embassy and just a block up from the American embassy. Every vehicle approaching the U.S. embassy was inspected by Czech police. Not sure whether this made us feel safer or more vulnerable.

The owner of the hotel was generous with shots of brandy and conversation about the experience of living under communist rule.

The best thing we did in Prague was hire a private guide. For four hours Jana walked us all over Prague to view the major sites. She also shared her experience of growing up in Prague and her views on the current political situation. After that tour we felt that we had seen it all.

Everyone walks over the Charles Bridge.

Everyone stops to take pictures on the Charles Bridge.

Everyone has their picture taken on the Charles Bridge.

A view of the palace and cathedral from the Charles Bridge.

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