Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Village of Winemakers

The village in which we are staying has little more than a single street. Living in the village are 350 people. Among them, they operate 30 vineyards. The harvest, lasting two or three weeks, is well underway. The tractors leave in the early morning. We have seen people gathered by the side of the road in the morning, sharing coffee before going into the fields.

One young man, whose family has operated a vineyard for five generations, told us that around noon and again around 5:00 their tractor brings a wagon loaded with grapes in yellow containers into the village for processing. The conveyor shown above drops the grapes into the shiny, cylindrical grape press behind it.

Along the street, one can look between the houses into courtyards (as in the first two pictures above) where the processing is done.

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