Thursday, October 7, 2010

We are staying at the Hotel Winzenberg in Blienschwiller, France. This is a small, family run hotel on the only road through the town. Traffic for the harvest starts early in the morning and church bells seem to ring all night. From our balcony (top on left) we have a beautiful view of the vineyards. A tractor is passing now as another idles nearby. The clunk of something metal and another tractor heads out to the vineyards.

Yesterday we drove to Colmar, a larger city, about 24 miles away. Must have taken an hour to get there, driving on narrow roads through villages and vineyards. The picture is from a small village that we passed through. A delivery man parked outside the gate because the passageway was too narrow for his van. We followed him in our Mercedes as he pulled his goods through on a cart.

In Colmar there is an area called "PetiteVenise". It is rather picturesque with its single canal. Notice the water on the bottom right.

We visited the Unterlinden Museum in Colmar, housed in a Dominican Convent that was founded in 1230 and transformed into a garrison during the French Revolution. This picture shows the tranquil inner courtyard. The tranquility, however, was disrupted by a large group of teenage boys who were touring under protest.

The highlight of the museum is an elaborate alterpiece from the 1500's.

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