Monday, October 11, 2010

Scenes of Germany (and one from Prague)

Snapshots of Germany.

Numerous roadside stands. Payment is on the honor system.

One of many green overpasses.

If you can't weave past these barriers, we don't want you in our town!

Let's meet down at the Jesus bakery.

Solar panels everywhere. How many solar panels can you find in this picture? (Click on the picture to make it larger.) Does the German government subsidize them?

The cock crowed three times? We saw many roadside shrines but this one has an unusual element.

Beautiful berry bushes.

Decorated doorways. 

Margaret loves the kind of baby buggies that Germans use.

Famer's market. You can buy a slice of squash or pumpkin.

Many villages have a sign like this, each with its own distinctive design.

Flowers on houses.

More flowers.

Roadside flower garden. Cut your own and pay on the honor system.

Can you find a McDonalds here?

Everyone hikes.

Sigmund Freud hanging out in Prague.

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